Welcome to Enlearn Math

A free platform for mastering mathematics.

How it Works

As students solve problems, Enlearn Math follows student's thinking process, and celebrates every successfull small step, even when there are mistakes along the way. At the same time, it identifies fine-graided misconceptions and challenge miscroskills that can are conquered with practice problems created uniquely for each student.

Enlearn Math is built on 20 years of research in computer science and learning science at University of Washington, with over 30 research papers, and 5 PhD dissertations describing different components of the platform.

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Get Started

Enlearn Math is free, and can be deployed to the classroom in minutes. You can select the topic relevant to your current lesson, and, after minutes of students' work, you will have detailed assessment of your students' immediate needs. This rapid insight means you can use Enlearn Math quickly, then adjust class activities based on most common issues shared with your students as their understanding develops.

End-of-unit tests are too long and too late to know where your students are. Since our assessments take so little time, you can run the frequently mid-unit and at all times know the best thing to focus on to help students. There is no reason to spend precious hours unnecessarily testing students.

Tutoring diverse students is challenging because students are in different grades have different math challenges. With Enlearn Math, you can quickly get a detailed perspective of each student needs, and can focus on the most important issue for each individual. Enlearn Math Dashboard shows you exactly what the issues are, and provides you with ideal worked example problems created just for that student. Because diagnostics is rapid, you can immediately see the effectiveness of your tutoring session. Whether you have 10 students or 100, Enlearn Math provides insights for specialized attention for each learner.


Get Started

It doesn't matter if you are in middle-school, high-school, or college. Or if your math knowledge feels like swiss cheese with lots of holes, or feels scary. With Enlearn Math, you solve each problem by taking small steps, so that we can recognize all that you know and things that need more practice. We don't waste your time by having you read chapters, watch rambling videos, or do things you clearly understand well. We focus on practice problems that are super-focused on what you need, so that you can conquer each small issue within minutes instead of hours.

Use Enlearn Math to practice as much as you like, all completely free.